Main information

Get acquainted with B52 –CT52’s first project, presenting company’s concept for next-generation residential buildings, ensuring high quality of life.
  • 5floors
  • 17apаrtments
  • 2houses
  • 3garages
  • 12parking spaces
  • Location

    Sofia Center
  • Apartments

    From 67 m2 to 224 m2
  • Deadline for completion

    June 2022
  • Architects

    LP Group
  • Construction company

    IMEA Group

About the building

B52 is a super-building. Apart from being beautiful, it provides a living environment which is as close to nature as possible – with clean water, abundance of light, minimized noise, and spaces, designed with an emphasis on comfort and tranquility. 



Clean air

The high air quality is ensured by state-of-the-art MVHR systems, ensuring the influx of fresh and HEPA-level purified level (PM2.5) and carrying out recuperation of the heating and cooling therein.


Minimized noise

To ensure noise minimization in the premises, we rely on the expertise of a leading European consultant in this area and we managed to achieve a noise-insulation level of ≥56 dB in each and every apartment, providing optimal resting and sleeping conditions to the inhabitants, within minimized environmental and utility noise.


Clean water

The water purity is ensured by a special point-of-entry system, equipped with a self-cleaning filter.


Abundance of light

The abundance of sunlight is of particular significance for people’s mood and wellbeing, and therefore we design vast windows in all premises.


High-tech solutions

All parking places are equipped with e-vehicle charging stations.

All the apartments are fully equipped with everything necessary for the installation of smart house management systems, which would enable remote activation of various functions in the apartment, from any point in the world.

The access to the premises is provided through a fingerprint unlocking system, ensuring comfort, flawless and quick passing through all parts of the building – from the main entrance, through the underground parking to the individual apartments.


With environmental responsibility

The MVHR systems, installed in each apartment, ensure the significant reduction of the heating energy consumption, through recuperation of almost all heat, which would otherwise be lost, if the conventional ventilation process is used. These noiseless systems retain 95% of the energy, used for heating or cooling, which contributes to saving a significant amount of carbon emissions.

We are implementing a system for complete tap-water purification, eliminating the need of purchasing bottled drinking water. IN this way we not only ensure our client’s peace of mind, but also make it possible to save over 30 000 plastic waters on an annual basis. All these bottles, apart from being plastic pollutants, are further associated with a caron footprint for their transportation from the factory to the end-user.

We are pursuing our mission to reduce building’s impact on the natural environment. For this purpose, В52’s eastern face will be exquisitely landscaped with greenery.

Instead of a diesel engine, the emergency power supply of the garage elevator is driven by a battery, ensuring Uninterruptible power supply (UPS). In case of power shortage, the “Smart Evacuation“ mode will bring the platform to the next floor, allowing it to continue its operating cycle.


Care for urban birds

Sofia is the European capital with the largest biodiversity of birds. Our philosophy that human activities are interference with nature, and not vice-versa, made us contact and seek the support of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds in order to integrate birdhouses for small birds into the façade. В52 will be the first building in Sofia, to show responsibility and care for urban birds.


The building is situated close to shops, pharmacies…. Just kidding, this is more than clear. B52 is located in downtown Sofia, in one of city’s oldest neighbourhoods – with long and rich history, bustling social life and numerous cultural sights. Both B52’s name and architecture are inspired by its location at the Budapest street. It was designed to fit harmonically into the neighbourhood and further develop and improve the urban environment in the area, with its wealth of landmark buildings.


Фестивал "Квартал"

Традиционният фестивал Квартал се случва всяка година през лятото и допълва потенциала на зоната между булевардите Васил Левски и Дондуков.

Пешеходна зона

Предстои удължаване на главната пешеходна улица на София по цялото продължение на бул. „Мария Луиза”.

Планира се преобразуването на пространството около храм-паметника „Свети Александър Невски“ в парк.

Градски център

Проектирано е преобразяване на централните Хали в модерен градски център от типа на закритите пазари в Италия, Испания и Португалия, предлагащи споделено пространство и място за срещи сред разнообразие от кулинарни предложения и различни заведения. Проектът включва постоянен фермерски пазар в подземното ниво.

Спа център

Обсъжда се проект за реставрация на Централните бани в модерен спа център.


B52 is a unique project for one more reason – the building includes two houses, having their own entrances from the main street, garages and yards. The idea is to integrate the comfort of living in a house, with all the modern conveniences of a location in the heart of the city.